9 The Strand Penshurst
NSW 2222, Australia
02 9580 5320
Platelet Rich Plasma for Facial Rejuvenation
This procedure helps to restore or enhance facial and other body areas that require volume. Skin texture and tone are improved very effectively as well.
The effect is noticeable after 3 weeks.
Few treatments are performed within 8-12 weeks and the result may last 2 years or longer.
How is the procedure performed?
Numbing cream is applied to the face to significantly numb the treated area.
Small amount of patient’s blood is drawn as during a standard blood test.
The blood specimen is then spun and plasma is separated.
The platelets after being injected into and underneath the patients’ skin release growth factors that promote collagen formation. This process thickens and tones the skin.
Post procedure minor bruising may occur and some redness of the area may last few days.
The procedure may be combined with filler injections ,muscle relaxation injections and skin needling at the same session.
What areas can be treated?
Back of hands
Crepey skin arms, thighs etc
Scalp for hair loss
What are the contraindications?
Active skin infections or skin disease
Systemic illnesses (as SLE, scleroderma etc)
Metabolic disorders
Blood coagulation disorders
PRP treatment is extremely safe as patient’s own blood specimen is utilised.
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